Valeria Lukyanova Real barbie doll - Lukyanova Valeria became a sensation on YouTube. 21-year-old lady from Russia includes a face and body form sort of a barbie doll. Like what? Barbie doll into a serious toy among women. They even dreamed of getting a life and a face sort of a plastic doll. Valeria Lukyanova later became an online sensation. He includes a face and body that closely resembles the doll barbie.
His body was ‘perfect’ in your face and hair that seemed like real barbie doll in real life.
In one video uploaded on Youtube, there's a scene where Valeria Lukyanova visiting surgeon to induce a body da barbie. But not all web users can believe the authenticity of the body of Valeria Lukyanova. as a result of he's very the ‘perfect’ sort of a barbie doll. Call it a matter of her body. He includes a terribly little waist and huge breasts. however on his Facebook page, the images are virtually dominated by the image is uploaded.
Intrigued by Valeria Lukyanova, 21-year-old Russian lady known as netizen as Barbie in real life, please see the excerpts within the following 2 videos.
On her web site, she claims to be the foremost famous lady on the Russian-language web. there's conjointly one amongst those faux animated reenactment videos posted that purports to point out how she came to appear like this.
It has commenters expressing widely varied opinions, from "Am I the sole one that suppose she seems like Paris Hilton???" and "I suppose Morgan Fairchild beat her to it an extended time ago." to "Looks terribly high maintenance. virtually gold diggish. No thanks."
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