Gay marriage legalized, make happy Hollywood Celebrities - Gay marriage is now legal in California eventually, the United States. Some celebrities also welcomed the news with joy. They are busy to provide support via Twitter.
Reported by Us Weekly on Thursday (08/05/2010), socialita Kim Kardashian including the artist directly tweet once knew has allowed gay marriage in California. "This is incredible news! It is time indeed. Congratulations all," wrote Kim.
Presenter Ellen DeGeneres that same-sex marriage to actress Portia de Rossi also revealed happy via social networking site Twitter. "Finally, the right equation to win," he wrote.
Socialita Paris Hilton did not want to miss to participate tweet about the news. Although he was in Europe, the news about gay marriage allowed in California has reached her.
"This is a new history for the equality in this country. It should have no laws about true love," writes Paris.
Besides the three celebrities, the other artists who support via Twitter more. They include Britney Spears, Kelly Osbourne, Pink and Ricky Martin.